วันศุกร์ที่ 27 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2555

UPDATE: Commentroversy: Dead Milkman Tells A Tale

It is here that we ask you: If there’s a goddamned Larry Fine mural, where,
pray tell, is our Dead Milkmen mural?
Imagine our surprise and honor when Dean “Clean” Sabatino of the Dead Milkmen chimed in on yesterday’s post about that time the Dead Milkmen played on MTV and made Downtown Julie Brown cry:

We took our friend along with a large bag of rubber fishing lure worms. We positioned him behind the stage and he hurled them over us onto the “kids” as they were referred to by the crew while they “danced” and stage dived. At the end of our “performance” Julie came up and introduced us. Rodney produced the handcuffs, attached himself to Julie and then threw the key into the audience. She began to get upset that “her kids” were picking up the worms and pelting her with them.

Dean claims there are a box of old VHS tapes in his basement where video evidence of this may lurk, but as we did yesterday, we still implore anyone who has definitive footage of this historic and proud Philadelphia Moment to please get in touch with us. For their part, the Dead Milkmen will be playing out on the West Coast in May, and their latest LP, The King In Yellow, is available here.
Update: The stakes have been raised. The co-author of I Want My MTV has offered a free copy of the book, acclaimed as one of the best of 2011 all over the place, for anyone who can find the clip and upload it to Youtube. We would like to add that if you are afraid of the MTV scouts finding it and taking it down, you can also send it to us, or upload it on Vimeo. Game on.

